维富国际贸易(深圳)有限公司代理销售 意大利ASCON温控表, 意大利ASCON温控器, 意大利ASCON温度控制器 意大利ASCON控制器, 意大利ASCON温度变送器, 意大利ASCON可编程控制器 意大利ASCON显示屏 Ascon Tecnologic是一家意大利公司,开发、制造和商业化一系列产品,用于制造和加工部门的机械和系统的调节和自动化以及工业和商业制冷。 Ascon Tecnologic集团拥有200多名员工,在其生产工厂,每年实现**过一百万台仪器。 Ascon Tecnologic在50多个国家设有四个分公司、自己的代理商和分销网络,为客户提供销售和售后协助。 Our vision is to become the reference for control and automation in Europe. Our mission is to develop the customer base through an approach based on "Partnership". In fact, only the sharing of objectives allows to find the best solutions that can generate competitive advantage sought by customers. Our guiding values ??are innovation and quality, elements necessary to building lasting value through the exploitation of persons, in respect for ethics and the environment. We want employees and partners are proud to be part of this company, that competitors respect us and that customers are fully satisfied with our product and our service. In order for this to happen we must have great attention outward, developing the ability to identify and meet both obvious and latent needs of customer. We are confident that thanks to our enthusiasm, our teamwork and our values, this will be possible. Sharing this vision on the part of all is the basis on which to build the future of our Company. 部分型号列举如下: 温控器M3-5100-0000 DTR-2/PRD/P12 20.F.150 XK3150 M4-3107-0000 M4-3197-0000 XP3000/ABA MS-50ABA MS-51ABA XS-5000/ABA X3-3902-0000 3100ABA X1-3100-0000 ABA C1-3007-0002/AHA XP-3000/ABA XP-3100/ABA 236/2163 M9-3151-0000/AHA AOA-0514/0337 XF-3000 0250-0000 9548/842 D-TC002 M1-3000-0000 XE-300/9 XE-3000/9999 XT-41/95 XT41/95 维富国际贸易(深圳)有限公司是一家综合型贸易公司,公司主要从事进出口业务,产品主要包括电机,马达,仪器仪表,电子设备,化工设备等各种工业设备及零配件。 公司位于深圳,依托于毗邻中国香港的*特地理位置优势,能有效的沟通国外和国内各种贸易渠道,本着“诚信经营,商通四海”的经营理念,与全国各大钢铁,煤炭,化工,食品等各类型工厂建立长期合作关系。目前,正着力构建布局合理的营销网络和物流体系,通过建设上游钢铁,煤炭,化工,食品等物资的采购网络、中游储配流通网络、下游销售服务网络,不断完善供应链一体化服务流程,为供应链系统中的企业提供增值服务。 公司正在努力发展,欢迎莅临指导!